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new like button

1. jazza12 November 2012, 23:03 GMT +01:00

Rgbstock has added another 'Like' button to each photo. page This new one is for on-site use. If you like a photo just click on the blue button and an other 'like' is added to the photo.
You can see a list of most liked photos on this page (pupular >> most liked photos)

we hope you like it...

2. Ayla8713 November 2012, 6:27 GMT +01:00

nice idea, gives good feedback to photographers :)

3. tinneketin13 November 2012, 8:40 GMT +01:00

I like this, great idea !

4. gesinek13 November 2012, 9:43 GMT +01:00

Found it (Thanks Chris, for helping me little stupid) , like it, used it :)

5. micromoth14 November 2012, 13:27 GMT +01:00

This is a great idea, but it needs a little tweaking yet. It's possible to "like" one's own image, thereby artificially inflating its popularity. Jay - can you void people from doing this?

6. jazza14 November 2012, 13:45 GMT +01:00

Yes, you are right Kevin; I will fix that issue soon.

7. Abyla14 November 2012, 21:00 GMT +01:00

I like the Like button !

8. sailinjohn15 November 2012, 16:39 GMT +01:00

Ok, a little slow, here?? Where is it? All I see is FB and Twitter. Great idea!

9. milca15 November 2012, 17:04 GMT +01:00

I love the idea of the button, but... I can't find it either??

10. jazza16 November 2012, 0:00 GMT +01:00

You should be able to see the like button now; I added some extra code for the 300px photo preview. Please take a look again?

11. sailinjohn16 November 2012, 3:07 GMT +01:00

Found It! Thanks!

OOps, tried it on Dreamy Christmas Tree 1
( xymonau); kept wanting me to log in, reloaded page with same results?

12. xymonau16 November 2012, 8:28 GMT +01:00

Well, thanks, John, but it didn't take. A bug, Jay? Or woeren't you logged in to begin with, John?

13. sailinjohn16 November 2012, 12:18 GMT +01:00

I was already logged in. I had did a 'like' on another image before yours. First try on the Dreamy Tree said I had to sign in or register, so I reloaded the page: same thing. This morning, I tried again, same response. ???? So, just wanted to mention it.

14. jazza16 November 2012, 17:38 GMT +01:00

I have to look into this. Could be a bug. Thanks for reporting it, John.

15. sailinjohn17 November 2012, 2:32 GMT +01:00

So, yesterday it did it again from another photog, reloaded page-no go. went to gallery and opened image:it took the like.
This am, went to xymonau's site, opened particular image: worked.
I hope this helps.

16. xymonau17 November 2012, 13:08 GMT +01:00

And thank you, John! LOL

17. sailinjohn17 November 2012, 17:03 GMT +01:00

And You are very Welcome!

18. jazza18 November 2012, 14:29 GMT +01:00

RGBstock has some minor errors in older Internet Explorer versions. We are working on this problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime we suggest you use a modern browser like Internet Explorer 9 or 10 or Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari.

19. milca20 November 2012, 11:08 GMT +01:00

Found it! And yes, it works! (I'm a Firefox girl)

20. ColinBrough17 December 2012, 21:26 GMT +01:00

When someone comments on one of my photos there is a notification at the top of the page, on the link to the "Comments" page. Is there something similar when someone "likes" one of my photos? I haven't seen any of my photos with likes, so I don't know what happens... Don't fancy manually visiting each photo's page to check...! Just curious.

21. jazza17 December 2012, 22:03 GMT +01:00

Hm, that might be a good idea, Colin. There are some little gems hidden in this site though: You can see you most liked photos here:

Or you can see all the liked photos here

22. ColinBrough18 December 2012, 20:36 GMT +01:00

Cool, thanks jazza!

23. weirdvis1 January 2013, 11:09 GMT +01:00

Vastly superior to the badly abused rating system that used to run at the old place.

And a simple solution to same.

Nice one.


24. xymonau2 January 2013, 11:31 GMT +01:00

Oh, absolutely! Ratings are bad news, but this is simple. Hit the button or don't - only two choices.

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