Wonder if the other site was gone dead
1. johnnyberg5 August 2013, 16:31 GMT +02:00

For several days scx has been "out of order" due to maintance, they said. But I wonder if the last image has been downloaded from there....... what do you think?
50. jazza27 November 2013, 20:52 GMT +01:00

The other site is back again.
51. micromoth28 November 2013, 13:45 GMT +01:00

Maybe we should ask them to turn it off?
52. xymonau1 December 2013, 3:42 GMT +01:00

I think it might turn out like the porridge scene in Oliver if we were to do that. :o)
53. weirdvis1 December 2013, 12:33 GMT +01:00

SXC suffers a problem and RGBStock grows exponentially.
54. jazza1 December 2013, 19:36 GMT +01:00

Must be Karma :)
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