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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

1634. xymonau11 January 2012, 1:31 GMT +01:00

No, our lives are in the people we affect. The boxes are only possessions. It's really sad to have to do that, and it underlines the fact that they're gone, but even a massive amount of items left behind is no reflection on the quality of the life lived.

1635. happyture11 January 2012, 6:42 GMT +01:00

Yes, takes a lot to upset me, but this experience made me think about life and what happens once we leave it...........

1636. xymonau11 January 2012, 8:16 GMT +01:00

This is why we have to make our peace with God and have our affairs organised, no matter how old we are.

The bible says we sleep in the grave - unconscious - until Jesus returns.

1637. happyture11 January 2012, 9:59 GMT +01:00

Or words to that effect,,,I think we will all be shocked when we eventually find out who God or to use his real name as in the old bible Jehovah is! he is obviously a higher being, Alien is the word we use now for beings other than from earth....

1638. xymonau11 January 2012, 12:49 GMT +01:00

Angels are higher beings. God is the creator.

1639. happyture12 January 2012, 8:54 GMT +01:00

Zactly, and he comes from the heavens like wot i said mrs!!!

1640. xymonau12 January 2012, 9:49 GMT +01:00

Yeah, but you was soundin' like Eric von Daniken.

1641. happyture12 January 2012, 10:20 GMT +01:00

Ha ha ha,, thanks!

1642. xymonau12 January 2012, 10:41 GMT +01:00

I just made muffins. I have never made muffins in my life, and I had to have vegan and no oil. Couldn't find a recipe with what I had, so I got the proportions (roughly) and threw together bananas, bluberries, plain wholemeal flour, ground hazlenuts, ground flaxseeds (that's the egg replacer), sugar, maple syrup, vanilla and cinnamon. To my utter astonishment, they turned out not too bad! They all lifted out of the muffin tray really easily. The insides were barely cooked, but the bluberries had been frozen when I mixed them, so I'll remember that next time. They tasted nice enough - well, they lacked something, but they were still good. Then I made a coconut milk and cashew, macadamia and maple syrup "cream" in the blender (I really have to get a blender that blends - mine is woeful!), and it tasted fabulous!

I'm not skilled at making sweet things, and this vegan thing makes traditional stuff a bit harder to make, but there's quite a lot that can be done, and I'm getting there! I was just craving cake today, so I ate four muffins - they were small - for my evening meal. They were pretty nutritious, so I don't feel bad!

1643. happyture12 January 2012, 10:55 GMT +01:00

Sounds nice, i should eat more fruit, maybe a few veggie's now and then, i dont eat much really, i had one bacon butty yesterday, and a apple, dont know what to eat today, I like vegetable soup, chuck N noodle soup, Scotch broth soup, so maybe i,ll have soup, I make my own too,,, I open the tin and everything....

1644. xymonau12 January 2012, 12:43 GMT +01:00

Scotch broth is nice. Veggies in that, aren't there?

Actually, I have just been bad. As i thought, I felt hungry after just a sugary thing for tea. So I went to the fridge and ate four fake snags with copious amounts of barbecue sauce. They are not sitting well, but I had the cravings. I've had them all day. I really hope I'm not pregnant. There will be questions asked if I am, Mikey! Like, how on earth...??

1645. happyture12 January 2012, 12:45 GMT +01:00

OMG,,,,WHAT IF ITS A VIRAL PREGNANCY,,,cause you have been sitting really close to your pc aint you.......

1646. xymonau12 January 2012, 13:28 GMT +01:00

Oh, No! It hasen't happened to you, too??!!

1647. happyture12 January 2012, 17:17 GMT +01:00

"Deep voice" NO CUZ I IZ A MAN, and man's dont get inpregnetted...

1648. xymonau13 January 2012, 1:48 GMT +01:00

Tha's wot they all say, but I seen the movie.

1649. happyture13 January 2012, 8:45 GMT +01:00

Oh dear me,,,,,You watches sum strange movies or films as we call um over here, I do like a good movie, Whats your favourite movie ? please dont say titanic !!!

1650. xymonau14 January 2012, 10:14 GMT +01:00

Titanic. I've never seen it, but it has now become my favourite.

1651. happyture14 January 2012, 13:08 GMT +01:00

Huh,,,knew it!!!

1652. xymonau14 January 2012, 13:48 GMT +01:00

I was referring to the movie, "Junior", by the way.

I think i still love the movie, "Tootsie". That had some of the best one liners ever. It's a bit dated now, but it still makes me laugh. Of course, my new favourite is "Forks Over Knives", but you know that.

1653. happyture14 January 2012, 15:45 GMT +01:00

Ha ha yeah mine too, cant beat it....hope there's sum gud nosh at the do tonight am starving aint eaten today and the worms are hungry ...

1654. xymonau15 January 2012, 1:31 GMT +01:00

Yes, eat first. And take a B complex first (alcohol leaches B2 out of your brain and that can cause dementia called "Korsakoff's syndrome". Then take another one during and after.

I hope you have a fabulous time in between taking your vitamins. Tell your sister that a complete stranger in a foreign country wishes her many happy returns of the day!

1655. happyture16 January 2012, 6:38 GMT +01:00

Too late Dezzie,,,my brain has been leached,,wiped like a hard drive its been, and i blame locally brewed what you call it,,,you know,,,comes in pints,,,anyway the party was good, but the after effects hurt,,, dont these keys make a noise...

1656. xymonau16 January 2012, 10:05 GMT +01:00

Tsk! You woz warned. Ready to sign the Temperance pledge yet?

1657. happyture16 January 2012, 16:17 GMT +01:00

Where's the paper!!! and the quill !!!!

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