annoying that everytime I do something (click something) here I now get a warning from Norton that the site wants to open Adobe flash player
I use MacAfee and A Squared, and don't get any such warnings. Both are very reputable and effective programmes, so it would seem that Norton is being a bit too twitchy!
As far as I know, RGBStock is not using any flash based content on this site.
RGBStock uses a flash player for the upload section.
The old HTML upload, without flash is still working though:
It has stopped now...... very strange. I tried to visit some other sites too, but I didn't get any alerts there.
Oh well, now it has stopped - and the sun is shinning :-)
I have Norton and it doesn't give me warnings about such things as Flash. Maybe it's the way I have Norton configured. I didn't try the upload though.
There is a new Flash update that just came out one or two days ago.
I cross check my computer with the free MalWareBytes and get nothing but a couple of cookies. MalWareBytes is the program I find listed most often to check for suspected infection but doesn't provide the protection that Norton does.
Norton comes free with our internet provider too.
I still havn' t had any flashbacks to the warnings...... And I have looked in Norton to see if I could get any clues there; but I can't find the alerts at all.... Its all very strange. I just have to hope it doesn't come back.